Monday, May 19, 2008

Czech President Vaclav Klaus and ITSSD CEO Share Some Thoughts and Ambitions Concerning Freedom & Climate Change

The following e-mail correspondences took place during July 4-10, 2007 between President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus and ITSSD CEO/President Lawrence Kogan. The correpondence was prompted by the submission to President Klaus of an ITSSD paper by former ITSSD intern and Whitehead School graduate student Radim Dragomaca, a Czech native. The publication of this e-mail correspondence has been approved by Czech President Vaclav Klaus, author of the book entitled, A Blue, Not a Green Planet: : What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? (Modra, nikoli zelena planeta: Co je ohrozeno: klima, nebo svoboda?). [See: ]. The President’s book about global warming alarmism will be published in English by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and officially presented by President Klaus in Washington DC on May 28. [See: ].

Furthermore, as the result of these and other correspondences, Czech President Vaclav Klaus agreed to meet with Lawrence Kogan and former U.S. Ambassador and U.S. Secretary of the Navy, J.W. Middendorf, II, in New York City on September 25, 2007, following the President's September 24, 2007 address to the United Nations General Assembly where he participated in the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Conference on Climate Change. [See: Notes for the speech of the President of the Czech Republic at the UN Climate Change Conference, at: ; See: Secretary-General’s High-Level Event on Climate Change, at:]

From: lkogan [mailto:] Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 1:14 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Radim Dragomaca'
Subject: Lawrence Kogan // ITSSD response to President Vaclav Klaus
Importance: High

Dear Ms. Dvorakova,

I would appreciate your translation of my response to President Klaus' note dated July 4, 2007, set forth below.

Thank you for your assistance.


Lawrence A. Kogan, Esq.
Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development (ITSSD)
116 Village Boulevard, Suite #200
Princeton, NJ USA 08540

001-609-951-2222 (o)
001-609-897-9598 (f)
001-609-658-7417 (c)

Dear President Klaus,

I am very flattered and honored to have received your comments regarding the recent paper and press release issued by our Institute this past June. It is not often that I receive comments (especially positive ones) from an experienced and highly regarded head-of-state such as yourself.

I am pleased that my approximately twenty years of international legal and business experience, many of which have been devoted to working with European public and private companies, has permitted me to 'see' things that other Americans have not yet been able to see. More importantly, though, I am extremely gratified by the opportunity that our intellectual connection and mutual understanding brings. And, I look forward to working with you to take advantage of it.

Please excuse me for not elaborating any further at the present time about my ideas for future collaboration. Although I am not yet certain how to proceed, I remain open to your suggestions.

For one thing, I am very eager to read your new book, "Blue, not Green Planet". Is an English translation of it yet available?

In the meanwhile, I would appreciate some time to refine my ideas and to review them with my colleagues at the Institute, before passing them along to you.

Please be assured that I will be able to provide you with some concrete proposals before the end of this month.

Thank you once again for the privilege of receiving your response, and for the unique and exceptional opportunity to work alongside you in the future to address what are critically important issues to us all.

With my best regards,

Lawrence A. Kogan


From: Dvořáková Michaela <>
Date: Jul 4, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: FW: ITTSSD - Climate Change - Kogan

Vážený pane Dragomaco,tímto Vám přeposílám email od pana prezidenta Klause adresovaný Vám a Vašemu řediteli Koganovi. S přátelským pozdravemMichaela DvořákováKancelář prezidenta republikyVážený pane Dragomaco,děkuji za Váš email, který jste poslal p. kancléři Weiglovi. Díky tomu jsemobjevil Váš institut, jehož postoje se mi zdají velmi sympatické a děkuji za text Vašeho ředitele L. Kogana, který jsem si velmi pozorně přečetl ajehož názory považuji za mimořádně kvalitní a v dnešní době velmipotřebné. Velmi rád budu jakoukoli formou s Vašim institutemspolupracovat. Je nás pořád málo proti té velké přesile, která existuje. Vím, že bych mohl psát Vašemu řediteli přímo, ale zdá se mi vhodnévložit pár řádek pro něho do tohoto emailu.Vaše jméno to přílišnenaznačuje, ale jak to, že umíte tak dobře česky?Jakoukoli další korespondenci směřujte, prosím, na mou asistentku Michaelu Dvořákovou (viz odesílatel).

S pozdravem

Václav Klaus

Dear Mr. Kogan,

From Radim Dragomaca, research intern at your institute, I got your article "Europe's Warnings on Climate Change Belie More Nuanced Concerns," [accessible at: ] which I consider excellent. And not only because you so positively quote me.

You probably understand more than anyone else that I am really frustrated with what is going on in Europe and in your country as well. And you know that I try to oppose it in all possible ways - writing, speaking, lecturing etc. Your article goes exactly to the point.

Like you, I speak about "a barely observable rise in global temperatures," not about climate change with a capital "C". As someone who spent years doing econometric research, I am aware of a big difference between causation and correlation as you stress. I don't believe that small warming is man-made, I do not think it will hurt mankind, and especially I do not think anything - government-organized - can change the evolution of global climate.

I agree with you that the main issue is "curtailing individual rights and freedoms," not climate. The subtitle of my recent book, "Blue, not Green Planet," is "What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom." You are right in stressing Europe's role in it. Not many Americans understand that the European global warming hysteria is a substitute activity, that it is an attempt to divert "the public's attention away from the failed draft European constitution" as you put it, that it's an attempt to rationalize the European unification process and the formation of the European supranational state.

I must admit that I did not take any notice of the British Foreign Secretary Margaret Becket's attempt to expand the mandate of the UN Security Council in the field of fighting "collective global environmental threats." It is almost incredible.With my - as I ironically put it - "full-time presidential engagement," I did not notice that in the 2005 amended French Constitution provided"French citizens with the positive right to live in a balanced healthy environment." Again, almost incredible. Of course, your stress on the difference between positive and negative rights is crucial. I am afraid that one has to go through the Communist "experiment" to fully understand it. I am afraid not many Europeans are capable of this. All the more I appreciate your stance.

I will be pleased to stay in touch with you and possibly do something together either here or in your country.

With my best regards,

Vaclav Klaus

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